David Corley

Uncut Magazine

9 out of 10 stars! "..a striking new voice...raise a glass to Available Light... sound[s] like something wonderful recorded in about 1971, bringing to mind "Heart Of Gold."


"After hearing David Corley's debut album Available Light, one could say the Lafayette native arrived out of nowhere at age 53, akin to hitting a homer in his first at-bat. But the album is a product of a 30-year cross-country odyssey of self-exploration, one of those rare moments where a lifetime of experience comes to bear in a single album you have to hear. It is that experience which shines through, particularly in his gritty, road-worn voice, which he uses to bring the movie of his life into vivid technicolor"

"It's kind of like a Super 8 movie," Corley says of the title track. "You can hear the projector running, or you can hear the crackle of the vinyl on your record player. It's the movie of your life, how time passes. It's about dealing with life as it comes."

 "I have two rules about writing a song: one is you better have something to say, and the other is you better have something to say."


"At one point later this year, if the stars align and enough people listen to David Corley’s debut album Available Light like they should, someone somewhere will refer to the Lafayette, Indiana native as an overnight success...Available Light isn’t an album that grows on you. It hits you immediately and then just gets better from there. And it all starts with a voice that makes you wonder how it has avoided us for all these years." 

Blues Blast Magazine

"It is not possible to classify these songs in any neat or orderly way...This ability to switch easily from folk to rock, and everywhere in between, shows that David is not a one-trick pony. Somewhere in the middle of this spectrum is “Dog Tales,” which is the standout track from Available Light. The intro and the music are beautiful, but it is his vocal delivery that sells this song. His emotional howls are a marvelous contrast with the sexy sighs of Fenner and McDermott. Though Available Light might not sound like the blues as you have come to expect it, David Corley certainly captures the spirit of the genre, and there is no denying that this is a mature album that is very well crafted. If you are willing to step outside the land of more conventional blues and venture into the realm of roots and Americana, this disc will be a great addition to your collection."

Blackwaltzes Blogspot

David Corley si prende, finalmente, tutta l' "available light", tutta la luce disponibile, tutta quella che la sua vita, difficile, complicata, gli ha lasciato, per esordire alla bella età di 53 anni. Se esordire a vent'anni, per esempio, si porta dietro tutta l'esuberanza di quella età, tutta l'energia e, spesso, l'inesperienza, esordire così tardi, con un disco così lungamente pensato, non può che portare a un lavoro maturo, intenso, da ascoltare con attenzione. La prima cosa che salta all'orecchio è la produzione, miracolosamente equilibrata, di Christopher Brown, che riempie, nel vero senso della parola, il disco di suoni, riuscendo a far suonare tutti gli strumenti in maniera esemplare e regalando a Corley un tappeto sonoro perfetto e a lui non resta che cantare e presentare le sue canzoni, che ne escono sicuramente arricchite. La voce vissuta di David, fa il resto. Il suo modo di cantare può ricordare, nella fluvialità dei testi, (riprodotti molto male nel booklet, peccato), il talkin' di Van Morrison, a tratti quello di Lou Reed, e in altre occasioni il growling di Tom Waits o la cavernosità di Cohen. Sicuramente, Corley, ha una voce importante, su questo non ci sono dubbi. Qualche dubbio in più, invece, mi arriva sulla qualità delle canzoni, prese nude e crude. Al netto degli arrangiamenti, che danno loro davvero una o due marce in più, non mi pare che "Available Light" contenga delle canzoni memorabili, anche se contestualizzate nell'ora di musica, alla fine fanno il loro lavoro. Il disco è comunque importante, ci presenta un autore nuovo, nonostante l'età, che se assistito da un po' di fortuna, (recentemente è stato colpito da un infarto mentre suonava in un festival olandese), potrà regalare, in futuro, altre buone cose. "Available Light" necessita di più ascolti, abbisogna che la musica entri in circolo e potrebbe diventare essenziale. In un mondo musicale sempre più spesso "usa e getta", David Corley è uno prezioso. Dategli una possibilità.

Minor 7th

"Available Light" 2015 David Corley can be gruff, really gruff, a little bit of late Dylan and early Tom Waits, but not exactly - I hear Long John Baldry, the 60s blues-rocker. With his narrative asides, his extemporaneous howls and heartfelt grit, Corley is a talker/shouter, and he fronts a rugged 70's-style (not a diss) band with real belief and authority. You can tell when a singer absolutely believes in his/her own songs. That's Corley. Take a two-word trope and build it into a hook and an extended personal rumination, that's title track "Available Light" and the notable "Dog Tales" in a nutshell. When I say extended, I mean it. Four songs are longer than six minutes. Other tracks that take you to the heart of his world include "Easy Mistake" and "Neptune/Line You're Leaving From." And Corley financed this late-bloomer debut (at 53) with an impressive Kickstarter campaign that should give indie auteurs everywhere a little bit of hope.

Tom Tom Rock

"Ma più che altri musicisti il vecchio Dave mi ricorda quei cowboys da western crepuscolari, interpretati da attori non più giovani tipo Jeff Bridges o Tommy Lee Jones che nel film tutti trattano da vecchi ormai finiti, mentre solo noi del pubblico sappiamo che in passato sono stati dei fighi pazzeschi, la cui unica colpa è stata quella di essere coerenti con sé stessi fino in fondo." 
Non so da dove spunti fuori questo 53-years-old songwriter. Geograficamente sì, da Lafayette, Indiana, ma non so altro, se non che questo è il suo primo album e che è stato pubblicato con l’aiuto di un crowdfunding (chi dia dei soldi per finanziare un artista sconosciuto di 53 anni per me è un altro mistero).
Volto segnato dalla vita, immagino il romanzo dei tanti mestieri prima di arrivare al disco: operaio, buttafuori, camionista, pianista di piano bar; aspetto da beautiful loser che si riflette esattamente nella musica che fuoriesce da Available Light, un country-soul anni ’70-’80 sporcato da una voce che pare consumata da ogni vicissitudine. Si alternano sulla solida base basso-batteria-chitarra acustica il piano, la slide, l’elettrica, i cori femminili. Lo stile è avvicinabile a John Hiatt, la voce a Greg Brown e al Waits più country.
Ma più che altri musicisti il vecchio Dave mi ricorda quei cowboys da western crepuscolari, interpretati da attori non più giovani tipo Jeff Bridges o Tommy Lee Jones che nel film tutti trattano da vecchi ormai finiti, mentre solo noi del pubblico sappiamo che in passato sono stati dei fighi pazzeschi, la cui unica colpa è stata quella di essere coerenti con sé stessi fino in fondo.
Mi piace pensarlo così il vecchio Dave, magari né originale né di classe superiore, però dotato di grandi coerenza e sincerità.
Ascoltatelo percorrendo la Piacenza-Torino al tramonto (direzione Ovest) e vi sembrerà di essere i protagonisti di Crazy Heart in viaggio verso l’ennesimo honky-tonk bar di periferia in cui esibirsi per pochi spiccioli.


Irish Times

"a warm, engrossing collection of retro country-soul...There are nods to Van Morrison, the Stones, Dylan and Lou Reed, but Corley carries the album with his honesty and flair." 

The Music Bin - Italy

"La narrazione di Corley, confidenziale anche quando il canto alza i volumi e le rughe del tono diventano più spesse e profonde, tradisce una sicura consuetudine che viene facile immaginare quale l’esito di una lunga frequentazione, una vita appunto, tanto dei temi quanto dei modi per raccontarli. E accanto alle qualità soggettive di storyteller di Corley, un personale distillato dei tratti distintivi rock blues di songwriter come Lou Reed e Tom Waits, Available Light mette in scena un recupero, neanche tanto attualizzato, di scenari sonori di cristallina matrice Seventies, che contribuiscono a fare di quest’album una sorta di instant classic."



POPDOSE- Best of 2014

Like Joseph Lemay, Corley’s album is part artistic statement part lifeline. Light is the soundtrack of a dark, starry night in an empty smoke-filled bar. It’s a cocktail of 100 proof Americana, country, blues and folk; a stunning storytelling triumph along the lines of Tom Waits and Lou Reed’s ‘Dirty Boulevard’. Album kickoff ‘Available Light’ is delicate and tender; ‘The Joke’ adds some ramshackle boogie and swagger when you least expect it. The singer and the songs aren’t in a rush to go anywhere, but if you care to belly up to the bar and bend an ear, you’ll hear some stories and be a bit better for it. Buy it.

No Depression

"brilliant debut album.... Corley’s deep, breathy vocals flow with emotion and soul, exposing beauty within that scruffy exterior."

Joost's Muziek (Netherlands)

"Corley is blessed with a voice which can penetrate deep into your soul.... one of the most beautiful Americana albums of the moment..."

Zambo's Place

"Disco che al pari di quelli di James McMurtry, e le analogie non finiscono qui, fa della monotonia una virtù. Ballate dolenti, malinconiche, tra folk, rock e country, cantate con una voce che centrifuga una appassita dolcezza con un rauco sapore di alcol&cigarettes evocando le tonalità di Tom Waits, di Greg Brown, dello stesso McMurtry, del Lou Reed del Dirty Boulevard."

Maxazine (Netherlands)

"beautiful debut album...an excellent storyteller"

Music News Nashville

"Before saying it’s far too late to shoot for your dreams, you ought to listen to Americana artist David Corley’s debut album, “Available Light.” This collection of ten tracks by Corley, produced by Hugh Christopher Brown, is a dynamic introduction to this 53-year-old Indianan singer/songwriter.... Corley’s raw phrasing is a bulldog that won’t let go, creating a blues rock experience that’s felt in the bones."

Zambo's Place

"Disco che al pari di quelli di James McMurtry, e le analogie non finiscono qui, fa della monotonia una virtù. Ballate dolenti, malinconiche, tra folk, rock e country, cantate con una voce che centrifuga una appassita dolcezza con un rauco sapore di alcol&cigarettes evocando le tonalità di Tom Waits, di Greg Brown, dello stesso McMurtry, del Lou Reed del Dirty Boulevard."

Barn Owl Blues

"De stem van Corley doet nog het meest denken aan een mix van Tony Joe White en Tom Waits. Hij is een uitstekende verteller, die de kunst verstaat om verhaaltjes in een prachtige muzikale omlijsting te stoppen."

Blabber 'n' Smoke

"a stone cold cracker, an instant classic...Married to the cool crisp funk of the title song or the hazy shimmering guitars of the seven and a half minute closer the words flow as easily as the music creating an atmosphere that is nothing less than magical. Definitely an early contender for an album of the year."

Rio Rojo

 "Y una voz que permite a David Corley pasear por pasajes que hubieran hecho las delicias de Leonard Cohen, del Tom Waits crepuscular, de cuanta voz que tuviera en la gravedad la arruga del Captain Beefheart y las brasas del bluesmen."


Un tanto más festivo, sin perder sobriedad en ningún momento, David Corley ha hecho un discazo con Available Light, su debut. Cuestionado por qué es que hasta ahora ha decidido salir a la luz pública, el multi-instrumentista, compositor y cantante nacido en Indiana en 1962 ha dicho: “Debes vivir una vida para escribir sobre ella. No puedes hacer esto de la nada. He hecho mi parte para rodar por ahí y perderme en el mundo.”
         A diferencia de la frugal instrumentación de Garwood, lo de Corley está plagado de matices generados lo mismo por distintos instrumentos que por voces de variadas temperaturas. Las canciones de Corley no pueden esconder su añejamiento, la afirmación de que son producto de la reflexión que sólo puede dar el paso del tiempo. Son canciones maduras en ese sentido, pero que recogen del soul y el rock su frescura innegable. Si en el inglés se siente la presencia de Waits, en Corley hay más de Lou Reed, particularmente en “The Joke”, uno de sus tracks con más groove. Dueño de una voz que atrapa a la primera, Corley no puede esconder que la ha curtido a base de whiskey, humo de tabaco y confesiones comprometedoras, las mismas que dan a sus canciones un sonido de cierto modo deslavado, por el que ha pasado el tiempo; un sonido verdadero, rebosatnte de sinceridad y vida. En cuanto a sus temáticas, aquello sobre o que le interesa escribir y reflexionar, Corley lo resume de la siguiente manera: “Echarlo a perder, equivocaciones, pasos en falso y chicas.”

The Daily Vault

"Like Dylan and Waits before him, David Corley is a lyric poet inhabiting the grizzled, remarkably expressive voice of a blue-collar Everyman….While Corley has been involved with music in some form for most of his life, this album is, at age 53, his debut as a recording artist. It was worth every year of waiting, every life experience and hard-won insight that led him here to this moment. With a voice like a gravel quarry and the heart of a lion, David Corley constructs a universe of broken souls searching for moments of redemption. Available Light is a remarkable achievement, an album aglow with a ragged beauty that’s simply magnificent to behold."


PopMatters Premieres David Corley's first official video, "Easy Mistake".

“Corley sounds like the kind of guy who’s been in the studio for decades, a consummate natural. Comparisons to songwriting greats like Tom Waits and Lou Reed aren’t far off. Tunes like Available Light’ “Easy Mistake”, the video of which you can watch exclusively below, evoke the image of a weary songwriter looking back on all of his years in the world. His presence is a natural and authentic one, as any one of his songs evinces.”


"Corley's music combines elements from pop, folk, rock, and Americana. But his approach somehow seems fresh and focused, probably because he hasn't been trudging away at a music career for the past three decades. This guy's got a really cool deep voice that almost sounds a bit like Leonard Cohen if he was doing Americana."

Heaven Magazine

Original text and translation here.

"Corley creates a smoking hypothermic kind of somber roots rock sound, reminiscent of Chip Taylor and/or Tony Joe White..."  Pieter Wijnstekers, Heaven Magazine, The Netherlands

Real Roots Cafe

"Mooi, overtuigend debuut van een man die al het nodige heeft moeten verstouwen. Muziek die aangrijpt, doorleefd en gevoelig. Intense muziek, teksten die aankomen. Kortom – David Corley is een echte aanwinst in het singer-songwriter circuit. "

Celtic Music Radio, Glasgow, Scotland

“This is big boy music, serious and striking from the excellent album Available Light. It’s an unhurried gem of a record, slow and meaningful, plaintiff, beautifully performed. Real music, not manufactured or pulled off a production line shelf.”

Ctrl. Alt. Country.BE

5 ***** out of 5! "..an exceptional album... wonderfully atmospheric...Corley is your man!"

De Krenten Uit De Pop (The Netherlands)

"The swampy roots sounds on this debut makes me think of the music of Robbie Robertson, but the swamp blues of Tony Joe White is also a meaningful comparison....  emotionally charged...the magic comes from the raw and pensive unique vocals of David Corley.." 

American Roots UK

"..peerless songwriting, great arrangements and playing, a variety of tempos all driven by David’s hugely atmospheric, raw but melodic vocals. Anyone who has a liking for roots music needs a copy of this great album in their collection. Methinks another contender for album of the year, perhaps even an early favorite!" 

Roots Highway (Italy)

"La voce roca dell'autore somiglia a un incrocio tra il baritono melodrammatico di Leonard Cohen e la viscerale impressione rock di Ian McNabb (ma si potrebbero citare anche Tom Waits, Greg Brown, William Topley, persino Captain Beefheart), e si dimostra il miglior veicolo possibile per le ballate ruvide del disco, basato su un campionario di rhytm'n'blues proletari e straccioni come un tempo andava di moda comporre tra i fiumi di liquore dell'Irlanda e le fabbriche automobilistiche della Motor City (ovvero Detroit)." 


"David Corley's debut album "Available Light" immediately lands you on a musical map, with songs that go straight to the heart and a warm, soulful bluesy sound that only great artists in the genre's own.. "

After Midnight, Dublin City Radio

“a beautiful brilliant record”

AltcountryForum (Belgium)

"Het denderende Available Light, prijsnummer Easy Mistake, Lean en Unspoken Thing, op het eerste gehoor relaxte songs maar alle drie gezongen met gebalde vuisten in jaszak, maken duidelijk dat Corley vooral ‘his own man’ is."

Jazz Weekly Review

"David Corley brings forth a voice that is reminiscent of a younger Tom Waits; rough, earthy and filled with subtones."

Leave it to Beaverhausen

"Corley opened his hour-long set with "Beyond the Fences," a track on the album. Anti-fashionista by appearance, he nonetheless looked every bit the rock star with his shaggy hair, wearing a black jacket and blue jeans nicely tailored to his lanky form. Patti Smith, take note." DJ

Bonanza and Son

“absolutely cracking album…absolutely super..had me entranced all week”

Folk & Acoustic Music Exchange

“The collaboration [with producer Hugh Christopher Brown] has resulted in one of those discs in which a generous modicum of graceful slop is prevalent, a halo spark of rough and tumble divinity well tarnished from travelling byways but so well cohered that one marvels at it.”


"gritty...deep....What is so impressive about Available Light, it combines age, musical creativity and soul."

Wicked Local

"If there’s an album that’s a bigger surprise this year than David Corley’s “Available Light,” I haven’t heard it. At the ripe old age of 53, Corley has released a debut disc of ragged, atmospheric blues-rock that he most likely didn’t have in him when he was a younger man. We reap the benefits of Corley’s experience, and of the desperation apparent in his worn-through vocals....But there’s an underlying sense of hopeful resignation that comes through his weary croak and easygoing Americana piano and guitar, not to mention lyrics that have at times an almost Leonard Cohen-esque zen to them."

Pittsburgh In Tune

"a terrific collection of bluesy rock tunes that showcase the Indiana native’s estimable skills as a songwriter and his pleasingly raspy singing voice...a remarkably accomplished song cycle...Here’s hoping Corley doesn’t make us wait too long for the next album."

Here Comes The Flood

“Produced by Hugh Christopher Brown Corley sings about rural Indiana, staring at the night sky and making ends meet. His hoarse baritone voice fits the rootsy blues music like a glove.” 

Independent Clauses

“Available Light” – David Corley. If Alexi Murdoch, Tom Waits, and Joseph Arthur all got together and jammed, it might sound something like this gruff yet accessible, vaguely alt-country track.”

Journal Courier

“David Corley has a rough baritone voice, one that makes you think of heartbreak, cigarettes and the low purr of a mountain lion.”

The Review

“Hearing Lafayette, Indiana David Corley’s debut album Available Light surprised my ears with this great indie-blues rock singer-songwriter who plays guitar, piano and bass on this album. Corley is a well-seasoned lyricist inspired by vivid dreams and classic literature of Joyce, Whitman, Blake and Rilke…His vocals remind me of Nick Cave and Lou Reed. Like a mood ring, each of these songs turns the stone a deeper color….We all need to lean into David Corley’s Available Light.”

Blues Magazine NL

“David Corley has a voice that resembles the dark vocals of Tony Joe White…Whether it be the rippling Available Light or Easy Mistake, Unspoken Thing or Lean (with beautiful piano playing): David keeps it modest and beautiful.”

JP's Music Blog

“David Corley waited for just the right moment to unleash his talents to the world. The new ten-song album begins with the bluesy-folk/rock of the title song “Available Light” as Corley’s voice is warm and humble. His vocal delivery has a rough Warren Zevon quality …and he [will] keep you captivated with his music and lyrics.”